Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Renewable Energy Developers Power Energy –Hungry Uganda

Uganda has commissioned a 10 megawatt solar power plant, as the East African nation continues efforts to boost its electricity generation capacity and exploit its vast renewable energy potential, officials said Monday.Constructed by renewable energy developers Access Energy Group from Dubai and France’s Eren RE, the $19 million plant is the largest in East Africa, providing clean electricity to 40,000 residents in eastern Uganda, according to David Corchia, Eren’s chief executive.
It’s Uganda’s first grid-connected solar plant as the country continues efforts to raise power generation capacity to 1,500 MW by 2020, from the current 850 MW.The power plant has the potential to increase its net output capacity by a further 20mw of solar energy.

“We are ready to double generation capacity as soon as the national grid is ready,” Mr. Corchia said. “Renewable projects are mostly suited for countries like Uganda, where most people are off the grid.The Dutch development bank, FMO and the London-based Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund provided the debt facility for the project, which includes panels fixed across a 34-acre field. 
 “We are really proud to have the project here in Soroti, some of us had even lost hope in expanding our businesses” says 30-year-old Daniel Owundo, who owns a restaurant in the outskirts of Soroti, plagued by soaring costs of using a diesel-powered generator.

According to Owundo, for years, government has promised but not delivered electricity to his small township of Ongori, located some 10 kilometers from the main town. Since the connection of solar three weeks ago, Mr.Owundu has retired his generator and is looking forward to introducing a fast food section on his restaurant that has previously concentrated on only local dishes.

“More people are visiting this area now, business is picking up,” Mr.Owundu says. From phone charging to powering small businesses, the plant is seen as crucial to the development of rural Uganda, according to Reda El Chaar, the executive chairman for Acess Energy Group.Small processing plants dealing in raw commodities such as coffee, tea and cotton consume the bulk of Uganda’s generated power from hydropower dams along the Nile River.
 Government of Uganda has been keen to develop alternative energy sources to diversify away from the hydro power plants, currently beset by unstable water levels blamed on dry spells and changing weather patterns.But with the sun shining every day in the country, analysts say solar is the way to go.

“Its an un tapped potential, while there is uncertainty about fuel prices, we are assured of daily sunshine” said David Mutambi, the head of the Electricity Regulatory Authority ERA.Also demand for electricity has been growing spurred by the increasing population. Statistics from ERA indicate that peak demand for power is growing by 15% every year. All this is crucial in an economy that is expanding fast and aims to give half its 34 million people access to electricity by 2017.

Government has long regarded solar energy as a viable option for  renewable energy generation .According to the Renewable energy policy, the country has a solar electricity potential of about 200mw, 1650 mw from biomass, 800 mw from peat ,2200 mw from hydropower stations and 400mw from geothermal energy .

Uganda recently signed a 90 million-euro ($95.55 million) loan deal with German development bank kfw and French government finance agency AFD to build a 45 megawatt (mw) power plant. According to the Ministry of energy, 85% of the population does not have access to electricity and that number is rising, there is a desperate need for more energy.


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